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The Dental Board of California (Board) recognizes that the widespread use and abuse of opioids in the country has risen to an epidemic level. The Board believes that educating both licensees and consumers on this important issue coincides with their mission of public protection. The Board therefore encourages its licensees to learn more, about this epidemic and its tragic effects on individuals and their families; and to understand best prescribing practices and patient education methods that can be used when prescribing opioids. Dental Specialties Institute, Inc, Opioid Prescribing Course for California Dentists This Dental Board of California approved course follows the published guidelines as proposed in Regulatory Action TITLE 16, Division 10, Article 4; Section 1016, Continuing Education Courses and Providers. This course contains all of the required coursework relating to the responsibilities and requirements of prescribing Schedule II opioid drugs to align the regulation with course content authorized by California SB 1109. Three (3) hours of ADA/CERP CE credits are provided upon successful completion. 20 question exam: True/False, Multiple Choice live via ZOOM. Only $195.00
Contact Details
48 East Santa Clara Street, San Jose, CA, USA