Pit and Fissure Sealant Certification
Dental Board of California Approved # PF002
Service Description
Registered CE Provider Permit No. RP3794 (16 CE units) MANDATORY for RDA Application, RDA, and EF2 Functions DBC Category 1 Take Note: If you delay until your first license renewal, you can't perform sealants unless you are certified. Professional Liability coverage is imperative for this course. Choose one of the below options. Option 1: (ADAA) American Dental Assistants Association. Option 2: (HPSO) Healthcare Providers Service Organization. Course Description: The Pit and Fissure Sealant Application course is designed to provide comprehensive training in the application of pit and fissure sealants. This course is specifically tailored for individuals applying for or holding a Registered Dental Assistant (RDA) license in California. Prerequisites for enrollment include current certification in Basic Life Support (BLS/CPR): All participants involved in the direct provision of patient care must be certified in basic life support procedures, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Re-certification intervals may not exceed two years. Completion of Coronal Polish course, 8-hour infection control course and 2 hours of the Dental Practice Act or concurrent enrollment in our COMBO course, Copy of Drivers License. The course includes both laboratory and clinical instruction. Laboratory instruction utilizes a typodont, a simulated model of occlusal FOSSA and occlusal groove, and extracted teeth. Participants will practice and develop their skills to achieve minimum competence in various sealant application protocols. Participants are required to bring safety glasses, a curing light, and wear scrubs during the course. Ultradent's UltraSeal XT Plus sealant material and an instructional video will be provided upon enrollment. Clinical instruction involves working with four clinical patients. Each patient must have a minimum of four virgin, non-restored, natural teeth that are sufficiently erupted to maintain a dry field during the application of etchant, etchant/bond combination, and sealant materials. The instruction covers teeth in all four quadrants among the four patients. Supervised clinical instruction ensures that students meet the required minimum standard competency in pit and fissure sealant application. The course emphasizes infection control and provides written protocols to establish adequate asepsis, infection control, and hazard disposal in compliance with dental board regulations and other applicable provisions. Participants are res
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Contact Details
48 East Santa Clara Street, San Jose, CA, USA